In a time where EVERYTHING is pretty much digital, sending greeting cards through “snail mail” can seem outdated in our digital letter-writing age.
After all, you can reach out to someone instantaneously by email or on social media. But let's be honest, which has more lasting emotional impact on someone’s day -- an email saying "I love you" or a beautiful card saying the same thing? Both are wonderful, but it’s an extra special feeling when you know someone took time to think about the recipient, find that perfect card, jot down a few friendly lines, address the envelope, stamp it and anticipate it showing up in the letterbox.
In the infancy of Facebook, a "Happy Birthday" message on the one’s wall was a little exciting, but that novelty has worn off, and it will never compare to the tactile pleasure of receiving and opening an actual greeting card arriving in that day’s mail.
Remember this the next time you're tempted to give up mailing cards to your favorite people because you don't have the time. A unique greeting card is incredibly helpful for staying connected with people you don't see very often, whether they are across the street or live hundreds or thousands of miles away. It is a profound way to have a positive impact on someone’s every day, someone’s special moment of happiness or sadness, or even their life’s direction, in ways you never thought you could.
Letter-writing is among our most ancient of art forms. There is an artist in everyone somewhere. Be one of the few, the proud, the pen-wielding, stamp peeling, Greeting Card Gurus. And when your family and friends think of you, they'll remember you as the person who truly cared for them in a special way because of your delightful snail mail habit.
This is what we are all about here at R. Nichols. To bring joy to the world through happy designs in our stationery and gifts for everyday use. We believe life should be measured in smileage shared. Our whimsical paper cut collage silhouette style sets our design aesthetic apart with a look that’s playful, positive and energetic...perfect for any thoughtful Greeting Card Guru like yourself.
Here are a few of our favs to get you started:
Our Birthday Sloth Greeting Card is perfect for that laid back (or wild) person in your life.
Maybe you should report your next recipient to the Birthday Police because you know there are cake rules!
Or how about sending our Partying Penguins Birthday Card. Who doesn’t love a bunch of penguins in birthday hats?
Shop our entire birthday card collection now and start rolling out the joy!