The Big Move

Posted by R. Nichols on

I think it can be universally agreed upon the moving leaves much to be desired in terms of fun.  

Arriving in Florida on Sunday, March 27th, I knew I was in for it.  Though I spend most of my time in LA designing and plotting the future of R. Nichols, my presence is requested from time to time at our home office in Florida - especially when heavy lifting is in demand.  Upon entering our shop at 3131 Corrine Drive I was instantly overwhelmed.  But with my trusty army by my side (Anda, Jana, Hannah and Nancy) - and having seen my share of television shows about hoarders, I knew that the best thing to do was just begin.

Two days later we were left with an empty shell.

3131 Corrine - my first baby

Our destination was another empty shell (4 times larger) just across the street and down a bit. 

 Prior to my arrival in Florida, the R. Nichols team has just completed the painstaking task of painting the concrete floor with a difficult and complicated shiny black paint which apparently takes about seven years to dry.  A proclamation was posted stating that one could only wear socks inside (it was militantly enforced).  It's quite possible that half of my waking hours over the next week were spent crouched over and standing alternately on one foot while putting on and taking off shoes and socks.  

Our new empty shell - 2910 Corrine - TAKE OFF YOUR SHOES!!!!

With all of the lugging and sweating behind us - it was time for creation (my favorite thing in the world).  

Each morning I would wake up at 6 am, walk down to the Bluebird Bake Shop for caffeine and sugar, and spend the next 16 hours building our new world .   Seven very busy days later - The NEW R. Nichols Shop was open for business.  And I must say, it's pretty gorgeous.

The installation of our awning was an exciting moment!  

Those greeting card shelves were quite a challenge - I sure did learn a lot about concrete nails.

Perfection and precision - two of my favorite things.

You'll always find a selection of framed original art at the shop - just peek through the cherry blossoms.

Our mouse hole is getting good use!

Every mother's worst nightmare - a birdbath full of smarties.

Our very first customer (with a charlie horse - just kidding - she was very graceful).

So if you are ever in the Orlando area I hope you will take the time to come and visit us at 2910 Corrine - but be prepared to take off your shoes.

- R. Nichols

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  • I have been driving by your Corrine shop four times a day for the past four years, and am ashamed to admit that, despite my love of good design and stationery, I have never stopped in. Usually because I have small people in the car, and do not relish the idea of wrangling them while trying to look at detailed drawings on clean white paper. Recently, I became concerned when I saw a For Rent sign on the outside, and assumed that, sadly, this cute little shop had become the latest casualty in the economic condition of our community. But, lo and behold, TODAY on my way home from the daily drop-off, I noticed the shop name on the OTHER side of Corrine. I was happy to be proven wrong! So, I came right home and did a quick Facebook search, ‘liked’ your page, found your site, read your blog, and am now eagerly anticipating my very first visit SOON! Congratulations on your beautiful new space!

    Valerie Reeves on

  • Awesome! Can’t wait to visit the new store when I’m in Orlando in June. Great job Nick, Anda and team!!! xo

    Wendy on

  • kinda made me teary eyed! i’m so glad the move has been documented. now we can all look back and laugh.

    jana on

  • Wow, great job Nick and team! Congrats on the floor. That in and of itself is an accomplishment. Would you like to come to Seattle and re-merchandise my store? Just lovely.

    Megan S on

  • The shop is gorgeous…I visited a couple of years ago and was so excited to both pick up a bunch of new designs AND to have the privilege of meeting the Artiste himself. What a terrific experience!

    Karen Bleakley Hasterok on

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